torsdag 13 september 2007

Monday, the third start.

Taekwon-do started, and it all went well. I'm right now dripping dry from a late bath. It was a great workout today. I'm going to be sore and tired. Heck, I am sore and tired. But, as the third start comes monday, I'll be limited to training TKD on sundays. Serious bummer. I've been attending 3-4 times per week... It really does me good, and I'd really enjoy getting good. Not mentioning that my body craves it.

School was, and still is, a bit of a rollercoaster... I've got my courses down for the fall, finaly, although got a very beurocratic e-mail just now, that someone, somewhere, hasn't registered something. And I'd be damned if I know what, but it's apparently important.

Got alot of small annoying things that need sorting out. I need to bring my amp and gear back home from the rehersal room. I don't like it standing there and me not being able to supervise. Gotta mess with the post to get my package sent to me, as they keep sending it back to Malmö or out of the country. Smart people. Need to get in conntact with Studenthälsan, for help with facing exams. Need to go to the dentist, and a normal medical doctor. Still alot of stuff I need to clear up for moving out (where the hell do you buy moving boxes, seriously?) Oh, and my stereo exploded and died. Hard toll on the audiofile.

Argh, and I need to get to play music, with a band again, I don't care what, I just need to. I'm falling apart. And I need to practice more, and record more, and I want to work more with Linus on the tab-book, and start doing pedagogical drafts for the guitar school idea, and the tribute projects... FAQ! There's so much to do.

But, in all fairness, I've actually been good at doing shit this week. There's just, alot, to do with the new course. 8-10 pages report to write for the huge ass project, and there's a written exam... with five books to memorise, and all the frigging seminars. That's mad for such a small course.

But, monday starts work. 10 weeks. With a one week break in the middle apparently. School is out for the kiddies... and, heck, it'll be good with a short break in the middle.

Otherwise, I'm really obsessing about getting all my reading for the course done. Damn it's scary. I'm trying to find ways to control it.

1 kommentar:

MrGul sa...

Flyttlådor kan du köpa på Clas Ohlson! Jag köpte mina i 5-pack där och det fungerade alldeles utmärkt när man väl listat ut hur man skulle fälla upp/ihop dem på rätt sätt. Är rätt övertygad om att IKEA också har flyttlådor till försäljning då jag vill minnas att jag sett sådana vid in- och utflyttningar ifrån studentbostaden där jag befinner mig.