onsdag 12 december 2007

Horrible day

First, I am pissed at myself. I wrote us down on the wrong lab sheet for the wrong day and managed to write that down in my notebook wrong as well. So I got up early as shit, and then didn't even get to do the lab. And then it took like three hours to get home, because EVERY DAMN TRAIN LINE WAS DOWN. And none of the emergency busses turned out to be working. Fun. And of course, even the commutor train to work was 45 minutes late.

But the most annoying bit is that I've found myself going around and berrating myself again, calling myself a idiot and being so damned dissapointed in myself for one little misstake.

I'm not happy today.

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

geez! seems like a bad day indeed. mr demian, you're all stressed! relaaaax! it's now another day (make it a good day). :)