tisdag 6 juli 2010


Today was just a day. Bun, the cat, managed to get into the livingroom during the night. By using superior ninja-cat skills. (Jumping on a small 10x15cm end of a cardboard box, vaulting over a big wooden barrier thingy.) He managed to get hair on all the fresh clothes, on the computerchair, the sofa, the carpets... Then of course he panicked as he was on the wrong side of a door from where the food bowl was. Se he mewed from like five in the morning until I finally got up and figured out what was going on.

Later a small child outside apparently, from the noise, cut his leg off and ate it. Bleeding to death, whilst being attacked by stray ants and zombies did seem to take a while. Again, this was speculation from the amount of noise this child was making.

Turned out his family was going on vacation, and he didn't want to go. So this somehow led to him screeming for over two hours, whilst trying to unpack the car the rest of the family was packing. How the hell did they deem this ok at 8 in the morning? They didn't manage to leave until 10:12. By then I was up, and fuming. Why do I not keep a shotgun for these circumstances? Nevermind the zombie uprising.

Rest of the day has been spent battling the "CrapIhavetogetshitdonethisinstant!"-emotion and the "Fuckitallitdoesn'tmatteranyway". Ok. So today was just a really crappy day from the lack of sleep, allergies and alot of training cramps. But hot poo. I just want a semi-productive middle ground.

Made some vegitarian gumbo. Stole some cookies I shouldn't. Enjoyed alot of good tea. Took some pictures, but I havn't gotten around to figure out the link-from-photobucked thing yet. Shouldn't be hard.

Enjoyed alot of QI. Played some guitar. Got through two chapters of Dead Space. Only two left. Dang. Not at all a good thing to play late in the evening. Cleaned the appartment.

But mainly, had unnecessary fighting going on in my head.

1 kommentar:

MrGul sa...

You should definitely keep a shotgun close at hand for moments like those! Some kids can only be raised that way...

Just give me a shout if you want any help with the Photobucket stuff, I'll gladly help you out. =)