onsdag 28 oktober 2009


The Malmö trip came and went. Alot of adventure and fun, with some sad insights into my mind thrown in for good measure.

I really wish I had the energy to do the complete story, but Linus did a great job of it over in his blog: http://linus.gyt.se/ Albeit it's in swedish. But there are some stupid pics of me. Look under the title "there was no phonecall, but..."

I came home two days ago. I've been to work twice. I havn't noticed that I've come home. Weirdness. And early tomorrow morning I'll be on the train again.


torsdag 8 oktober 2009

Cleaning day

Today there will be cleaning, there will be vacuming, there will be... ehr, trying to stay bloody warm. Damn it's cold in this appartment.

So. I got through the flue. But there are lingering things. Lungs are still thick. And actually, my bloodpressure has been a bit... weird.

Also wonder why I have these massive headaches every day I've been working. Even when I make sure I have enough to eat or drink. A slight intellectual part of me is starting to wonder if I have some sort of health problem. I'm not one to blow up that sort of thing, but... I dunno. Granddad has bloodpressure problems.

I promised myself a couple of weeks ago that I'd get out and about and travel a bit more. Now I'm heading to Fagersta, Malmö and Tibro... all weekends after eachother.

I'm still a really busy guy. How the heck does this happen?

fredag 2 oktober 2009

Good days and good people.

Now having the flue has sucked. But I have lovely friend and I have lovely family.

Yesterday was a great day of friendship, games and roleplaying. I love living with Gus, it's all slinky. Even though I had some sources of great anger during the last week I've been nicely balanced out.

Had a great day with mom and Alex today. I feel refilled.

Now, I've only slept three hours though. Extra wrong since I've just had the flue... but. Heck.

Getting ready for bed though so no worries.