söndag 30 januari 2011

Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing.

Finally I'm well enough to be back at the gym. (Thanks Kim for one last nagging message to get me going) And what wouldn't a first time out after three weeks of illness be... without complete overkill? Did a combined lift-things that are REALLY HEAVY. In way that HUMANS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO DO. Then running of riding an excersise-bike for an hour... and then LIFTING MORE HEAVY THINGS.

Ended up being shanghaid by Alex dad, who cleverly forced me into making chili. And then... giving me and Alex a ton of leftovers to bring home. Luv that guy.

Poor Alex almost ended up being another heavy thing (Not heavy at all, all women weigh less then air) as she's been working all weekend. She actually nodded off both during the bus and train rides to get home.


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