söndag 6 februari 2011

Frissy hair!

Friday became a very, very, very long rpg evening with Gus and Thobi. Mainly having me and Gus doing horrible things. Some lovely Laphroig and a bunch of my very, very chocolaty cookies were enjoyed with all the fantasy mayhem.

I had to take a looong walk home, early saturday morning, and saturday was a bit... weird. But it ended with dinner with Alex, her little sister and her friend. And then I went along to see Tangled. Wow. Probably one of the best things that have come out of Disney in years. Worth the watch.

Ended up on Lidingö, finding a very sick Michael in his sofa. A long sleep later, I ended up working on their network whilst downing some awesome coffee. Then we ended up at FoS lifting heavy things. Kim taught me some new moves. Especially... wrist lifts, working the lower arms. Very interesting for the guitarist.

Then, Civ with mom, Pina-Colada tea. And late blogging.

Tomorrow, work starts. Feels REALLY weird having less courses then when I first went to work. Really hoping things pick up or I'll be in some economic shit... :/

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