söndag 18 juli 2010

Greak Cuitar Famp.

Creak Fuitar Gamp?

Anywho. I'm done with all the packing. Well it wasn't a big thing. But strangely enough, I wasn't packed 3 weeks beforehand. I even considered leaving it off until tomorrow.

Mom took me for a walk to the Globe shopping area and pimped me with new shoes and sandals. Badass. After a short return home we were of to FoS for some serious training. Fun to have got her started on it. And always nice to have another person to go with.

Walking there we go through a forested area... and found nettles over two meters high. It was like, a giant wall of stinging horribleness.

Back home there was awesome taco dinner to be had and a welldeserved bath.

Now I've spent two hours reorganising my mp3 player. Awesome tunes to be had.

But yes, now it's time to hit the hay. Tomorrow, trainride and meet up with Linus. Good times to be had. And then Freak Guitar Camp of course.

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