måndag 5 juli 2010



Trying to get myself to type again. It's not all that easy. I stopped because there was just no energy left in me to do it. Now I need to find my way back into a more active life. Not that I havn't been active as hell, but, since I lived through the stress and insomnia I have now found myself carrying around a slight fear of... just doing things. Especially typing and reading has felt very uncomfortable.

But, if I'm supposed to do some actual blogging and not just sad nagging, I should do it properly. I shall see if I can't take a page (ahem, pun, argh.) from my very, very good friend Mr. Gul and get around to adding some pictures and whatnot.

So as to actually be able to make the damn thing interesting, readable and actually worth your while.

Shouldn't be hard as I bring a camera with me everywhere. I just don't use it. Or... I've stopped using it. Hmm.

Right. I am now off to have a look at, I think, photobucket. Whilst practicing some licks, sending an e-mail to the course councelor at KTH and watching some more of the gloriousness that is QI with Stephen Fry,

1 kommentar:

MrGul sa...

Good to see you back in the writing process! I've been missing reading about your everyday occurences, even though we keep each other fairly updated through other terms of communication.

Really looking forward to see some pictures of your life in Stockholm, too! I keep hearing stuff about your friends and students, but I never get to see any of it. Could this maybe be the turning point of that? =)

(Btw, now that Photobucket has expanded their their features and also the amount of storage, I think that's your best choice.)

/Your loving friend