fredag 11 september 2009

Another sort of homecoming.

Ah. Today was dominated by dinner with Alexandra and family. I became last minute cook, and I was asked to recreate a weird homebrew gumbo thing I made up a month ago.

Which was a bit scary to be honest. It was like, chicken, beef and fish. With spinache, crushed tomatoes, onions and chili. With rosemary, soy and diffrent kinds of stock so to give it all kinds of flavours. And to top it of, I put cocoa in there. It was really cool, because you have no clue what you're actually eating.

But... reacreating it. Kinda itimidating, since I didn't remember what I did last time. And it'll probably end up diffrent. And it did. But when we added a hint of Blairs Original Death sauce on top, for us three who wanted a bit more hotness, it ended up where it should be.

It was really nice being back. I very, very much miss that whole aspect of my life. And me and Alex, toghether, hanging out, doing stuff, being us. There's still alot of magic there, when there is time and space for it to happen.

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