måndag 14 september 2009

High hill homecoming.

Ok. There is something off with my energy and sleep levels. I'll try really hard to get in bed a bit earlier every day and see if it helps out.

Everything there is to do keeps weighing heavily on my mind. So much of my mind is just one tangled conflict of needs, desires, musts and have-too's. Just now, one of my best friends Mr.Gul told me I was awesome for always being there when needed, and in general. And I as usual can't just accept it but try explaining it away. Sure, now it turned into a good compliment for us both, as I was out argued. But dammit. My mind is a sick thing.

First monday back at work. A bit weird, two composite groups of students who have very diffrent levels of skill. I'm gonna have to sit down and have a real good thinker about how to go about this. Most confusing group has people from four old courses.

Came home to some meatstew dinner and cheesecake with Ice Age 3. Good times were had. We're making a little weird two-man dysfunctional family (all families are, I'm not downing anything).

Where to start unraveling my mind, where? It's really all about getting going again. I need too:

Buy shoes -> Get access card to F&S -> Exercise regime

Record Guitars -> Get Drumtracks -> Record Bass -> Record vocals -> Conquer World with music, fullfill dream.

Book studycouncelor meeting -> Go to KTH and get library books -> Continue and finish Master Degrees.

Sit down and look through appartment listings like a possessed bastard and figure out a way to get a more permanent way to live.

Work really hard to get my relationship up and running again, being a thing that helps us grow instead of being a bit of a downer.

Research where and how and who I should get in contact with to actually get some real help with dealing with my mind.

The scary thing is, these are all pretty huge things really. And they are constantly 100% in the front of my head, bouncing around. The constant thinking, worrying and all the possible ways things could happen. No fucking wonder I'm tired all the time. I can't relax.

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