onsdag 9 september 2009

Blubb, blubb, blubb, in the water.

Today was the first full day back at work.

You always forget between terms just how badly your head gets messed up by doing five hours of continous lessons without break.

But it was fun. The electric guitar groups got to play some bad ass Dethklok, the song Go Into the Water. It's such a massive metal song. Awesome riff, you can play it over and over and just get more amped. Also had a beginner acustic group for 10-13 year olds. Looks like it'll be a good group with fast learners.

I've come home to a empty appartment. Enjoying the silence, tea, and a few episodes of One Peice. And good msn based friendship.

Got a bunch of go-around-town stuff I need to do. Basic food shoping, shoe shopping, library visit, bank visit. It just feels madly uninspiring. And I really wish for a full nights rest. I'm madly tired and I want this damn painful knot out of my back.

Alex is apparently handing in her essay papers. After that there should only be the presentation left. I really, truly, madly hope that this will allow us some time toghether. Everything was going along rather nicely, but the stress and the busy gets in there and ruins things.

Hmm, also have alot of papers, cds and stuff here at home that I'd like to go through. Need to prep everything so I can start writing again.

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